Patrick pulled up with my longtime birthday wish this afternoon- a lovely female canoe, the better to explore local waters. It only took a few minutes before I realized her name was Francis, and she is as fine a water nymph as they make.
I'm in love, and I can't wait to take her for our first paddle. Should I bring a little poetry? Or will the sound of creek ripples suffice? How do you tell your first canoe that she's everything you always dreamed about?
As I sat admiring Francis, the happy furor of munchkins hatching plans crossed my path and put a stop to my reverie. Before you could say "fibonacci sonnet", Max and Micah started washing Francis, singing and bickering as they work-played.
Inside Francis' belly before the kids finished their scrub-fest.
The coolest kids ever re-introducing Francis to water, albeit a little soapy water.
Max takes a serious brush to Francis' loins.
Check out those scrub-brushes in action.
Hopefully, Frances won't stay pristine for long.